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MSP430FR5969 Low Power Modes and Interrupts

Low Power Modes

Low power modes can drastically reduce power consumption, going from around a hundred microamps in active mode to under a microamp (or tenths of a microamp) in the 3-4 low power modes.

LPMs in C

  • Use the following command to enter the x mode, where x = 0,1,2,3,4,3.5,or 4.5:

_bis_SR_register( GIE | LPMx_bits ); bis = bit set

  • To exit LPMx use the following command inside the Interrupt Service Routine ISR, where x = 0,1,2,3,4,3.5,or 4.5 :

__bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPMx_bits ); bic = bit clear

Low Power Implementation Notes

  • Choose the appropriate LPM that suits your application. For example, if you use the SPI communication, you need a clock. As result, you have to choose the LPM where the clock source for your SPI is enabled.
  • To support low power design, configure all unused pins as an input with pull down resistor to prevent them from floating.


Interrupt Priority

Interrupt Implementation Notes

  • Be aware of the interrupts priorities for the MCU that you are working on.
  • There are specific interruptible ports. Not all ports of the chip are interruptible.

For port interrupts:

  • If the interrupt will fire when the port status changed from Low to High, you should configure the port to be pulled down.
  • If the interrupt will fire when the port status changed from high to low, you should configure the port to be pulled up.


microcontrollers/msp430fr5969_low_power_modes_and_interrupts.1730317250.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/30 19:40 by ibchadmin

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