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microcontrollers:msp430_clock_systems_and_timers [2024/10/31 13:28] – created ibchadminmicrocontrollers:msp430_clock_systems_and_timers [2024/10/31 13:38] (current) – [MSP430: Clock Systems and Timers] ibchadmin
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 ====== MSP430: Clock Systems and Timers ====== ====== MSP430: Clock Systems and Timers ======
 +{{ :microcontrollers:clock1.png?direct&600 |}}
 +  * Low clk freq. for energy conservation and time keeping
 +  * High clk freq. for fast burst processing capabilities/response time
 +  * Low-cost applications with less-constrained clk accuracy requirement
 +  * Allows user to select best balance of performance and power consumption.
 +Clock module can operate with or without external components like crystals and resonators.
 +===== Clock Sources =====
 +==== External ====
 +  * Low-frequency oscillator.
 +  * Powered by a 32768 Hz crystal, resonators or external clock sources (<= 50KHz) in bypass mode.
 +  * High-frequency oscillator.
 +  * Used with crystals or resonators in the 4-MHz to 24-MHz range, and can be driven with an external square wave signal.
 +==== Internal ====
 +  * Internal very-low-power low-frequency oscillator.
 +  * 10 KHz typical frequency.
 +  * Low-cost clk source for applications without high timing accuracy req.
 +  * Internal digitally controlled oscillator.
 +  * With selectable frequencies: 1 - 24 MHz
 +  * Internal low-power module oscillator.
 +  * 5 KHz typical frequency. It gives LFMODCLK when divided by 128
 +===== Clock Signals =====
 +**Master Clock (MCLK) ** 
 +  * Software selectable as LFXTCLK, VLOCLK, MODCLK,  DCOCLK or HFXTCLK.
 +  * Can be divided by 1,2,4,8,16 or 32.
 +  * Used by the CPU and the system.
 +**Subsystem Master Clock (SMCLK) ** 
 +  * Software selectable as LFXTCLK, VLOCLK, MODCLK,  DCOCLK or HFXTCLK.
 +  * Used by peripheral modules.
 +**Auxiliary Clock (ACLK) ** 
 +  * Software selectable as LFXTCLK, VLOCLK or LFMODCLK.
 +  * Can be divided by 1,2,4,8,16 or 32.
 +  * Used by peripheral modules.
 +**Module Clock (MODCLK) ** 
 +  * Sourced by MODOSC.
 +  * Used by various peripheral modules.
 +**VLO Clock (VLOCLK)**  
 +  * Sourced by VLO.
 +  * Used directly by various peripheral modules.
 +Clock source for each clock signal is selected using the SEL register. 
 +ACLK, MCLK and SMCLK use SELAx, SELMx, and SELSx respectively to select clock source.
 +===== Clock Configuration =====
 +There are 7 Clk system control registers: 
 +  * CSCTL0: Enables access control to other registers when correct password key is set. e.g.  CSCTL0 = CSKEY 
 +  * CSCTL1: Enables DCO range and frequency selection (DCORSEL & DCOFSEL)
 +  * CSCTL2: Used for setting clock source for ACLK, MCLK and SMCLK.
 +  * CSCTL3: Used setting frequency divider for those clock sources. It could be 1,2,4,8,16 or 32.
 +  * CSCTL4: Sets the HFXT and LFXT oscillator ON or OFF.
microcontrollers/msp430_clock_systems_and_timers.1730381332.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/31 13:28 by ibchadmin

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