====== MSP430 ====== The MSP430 microcontroller series has a few features that make it popular in intermittent/batteryless applications: * **Widely used** in both batteryless and standard applications, which makes finding tools and support relatively easy * **Low power draw** with configurable low power modes, important in the low power environments of most intermittent devices * Some MSP430 boards (usually MSP430FRx) come with **FRAM**, [[introduction:non-volatile_memory|non-volatile storage]] that is critical to maintaining state and data through the regular power losses of intermittent devices. ===== Resources ===== ==== Programming ==== * [[https://energia.nu/|Energia]] ===== General Information ===== The following information is applicable to either all MSP430 boards, or a general subcategory of those boards (e.g. MSP430FRx). * [[MSP430 clock systems and timers|Clock Systems and Timers]] * [[Common Communication Types]] ===== Device-specific Information ===== Information specific to individual MSP430 microcontrollers. ==== MSP430FR5969 ==== * [[MSP430FR5969 Low Power Modes and Interrupts|Low Power Modes and Interrupts]]